is your online war room for incident communication centralization, take actions and follow them.
Create a free account to access to post-mortem with your personal or professional email.
When an incident starts, open and starts filling the timeline. Write down mitigations, actions and automate your internal/external communications through the app. Expose your public incidents page.
No more defined actions without real impacts. enforce actions follow up so you won't have twice the same kind of incident.
With our incident matrix, just fill your business and users impact. It will automatically determinate the level of global impact.
We know how hard it is to follow up an incident, collaborate and finding the right tool. Our interactive timeline is there to make your life easier
We've got you covered
From incident start, to actions-follow up and communicating to the outside world, got you covered
I have no methodology about doing post-mortem, this tool helps up!
Post-Mortem is a great tool that match all communications channel and team collaboration
Very fast tool, and solid. Works well with a full remote team dispatched accrss the globe
Not enough? Get in touch with us to see how can we upgrade your account